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May 21, 2020

Student Recognition

Remote Learning this spring made it tricky to find ways to recognize my students for all of their hard work this year! So many of our usual routines and celebrations couldn't happen this year. We made the best of it with Zoom Reading Parties to celebrate reading goals and virtual high fives and "cowboy cheers". 

I had been searching for something small, but meaningful, that I could send students in the mail. I came across these Star Student bookmarks when searching online. When I mailed my final letters to students at the end of the school year, I included some photos from the year along with one of the Star Student bookmarks.

We have a character education program at our school, in which students can earn star student awards throughout the year, and then receive prizes. So, when I came across these bookmarks, I knew they would be perfect! I was glad to be able to recognize each student as a "Star Student" one last time in Kindergarten!

A coloring book wishing them a "Colorful Summer" along with fresh crayons and markers were tucked inside their "school belonging" bags that were picked up by parents at the end of the year. It was definitely not the way that the students or I wanted to end the year, and bagging up their belongings in our empty classroom was rough. I focused on all of the great memories they made together this year. These kiddos and their families will forever hold a very special place in my heart!

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