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July 3, 2019

Back To School Read Alouds!

Time to start planning for the new school year? Some of us plan all summer, while some of us wait until August or a couple of weeks before the school year starts. Whatever works for you!

Either way, if you've decided it's time for you to start thinking about the year ahead, here are some of my favorite read alouds to start the year!

Starting off the first day of Kindergarten with a cheerful and uplifting story is the perfect start to a new school year. Students have mixed emotions on that first day, and as teachers, we need to help them understand that they are not alone! All of those feelings are OKAY! A great way to start talking about those feelings is with the book, The Kissing Hand, by Audrey Penn. This is my all time favorite book to read on the first day. I love that it brings smiles to their faces and helps them relate to their own experiences. 

I've included a selection of other stories that I read during the first week of school as well. These books stay on our class bookshelf for the first month or so of school. We revisit them from time to time, and students love to hear these over and over! Repeated reading increases their vocabulary, comprehension and reading skills! Don't think twice about reading their "favorite" book for the tenth time! Try reading it with a puppet, fun voices, or let the students read familiar parts! Try out different ideas for variety and to increase student interaction!

I hope that these suggestions help get your year off to a great start! Check these books out at your local library or Amazon links are included below if you want to to add them to your permanent collection. 

Do you have a favorite back to school read aloud? Feel free to add it in the comment section below!

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